Dalber, lamps made to dream

who we are

We, at Dalber, manufacture children and teenage lamps since 1988 working daily to find the best connection among light, shape and color. Our goal has been very clear always related to the youngsters world and all our efforts focused in designing as innovating.

Our lamps with different shapes and finished illuminate and decorate in a special manner the rooms of youngsters providing different type of light and designs getting an exclusive and different environment.

All our articles are made in Spain with the best quality materials allowing the perfect and most secure use, always following the most demanding European Union normative of security.

All together we form a great human team that, due to the time and effort dedicated, we have been able to achieve a lighting world of color for children and teenagers fully defined in the personality of our company.

We create lamps with attractive designs which stimulate and inspire the little ones and youngsters. Due to this, we like to emphasize that our lamps are “made to dream”. All this together with the appropriate elements and lighting effects which we include, we obtain… fun lighting!

who we are

Always dreaming together!

who we are articles

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