How to choose lamps for children's room. Children's lighting guide

Every element of the home is essential to stimulate the growth of children by giving free rein to the imagination. And adapting the lighting of each space in which they coexist is key to their proper development. At Dalber we manufacture different types of children's and youth lamps that can be combined according to the needs of children. Furthermore, at DALBER we always seek safety for them and provide them adequate lighting.

The importance of lighting during the first years of baby's life

The correct choice of lighting for the child's room during the first years of life will be essential for his room to be a comfortable place, where they can begin to develop their basic skills. When we talk about lighting a baby's room, we should think about achieving a soft lighting, inviting the Childs to rest and relax during their sleeping hours.

For this we recommend installing general lights that create a diffuse atmosphere, with a low intensity, and that do not represent any point of light stress for the baby.

Children's Night lights

The children's night lights will be in charge of accompanying the little ones during the night. With them you will be able to create a safe and welcoming environment, inviting the baby to fall asleep comfortably. These children's night lamps will allow you to access the room without having to use another light that can dazzle or wake them up.

Our children's bedside lamps are the perfect option to achieve dim points of light in the baby's room, and they include a low intensity LED bulb.

Night lamps

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Lighting ideas for the youth room

When the child begins to grow, the long hours of sleep turn into hours of play and later into activities such as drawing or painting. And for this it is necessary that, in addition to having as much natural light as possible, we have clear priorities regarding the lamps that will make children feel at ease in their room.

For this we will establish different types of children's lighting, depending on the moment of the day or the activity that the little ones are doing at that time.

Types of children's lamps to illuminate the children's room

In general, when lighting a children's or youth room, we must think of three general types of lamps, with their different functions, meeting their needs at all times:

Children's pendant ceiling lamps

They are height-adjustable lamps, which include a removable light diffuser that prevents glare and attenuates the intensity of light.

For children's ceiling lamps, Dalber recommends the use of 15W LED bulbs (not included) that will make the lighting level in the room sufficient for most activities of the little ones.

Another option for a children's ceiling lamp are our 3-light children's ceiling lamps, which are directly fixed to the ceiling, so they perfectly transmit the light to the entire room in a more distributed way, avoiding shadows.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for more light intensity, within the category of hanging children's lamps you will find our fantastic children's ceiling lamps with 3 lights. These lamps aside from guaranteeing more light intensity, we recommend them for larger rooms.

Children's table lamps

Children's table lamps will be another essential element in the decoration and lighting of the children's room. These children's desk lamps will be used as complementary and ambient light when carrying out tasks such as reading or doing homework.

You can also use our table lamps to illuminate the bed area and create a cozy and unique atmosphere.

At Dalber we propose a type of LED bulb with between 8 - 10W of warm light of no more than 3000K (not included) enough to achieve correct lighting for a pleasant environment. If your purpose is to use it for reading or writing, we recommend a white light between 5000 - 7000K.

How to choose the right bulb to light a children's room?

In order to choose the most appropriate bulb to illuminate the children's room, you must pay attention to the type of lamp and to what power is the appropriate one.

led equivalence table

How to choose the color temperature of a light bulb for a children's room: what is the color temperature in a light lamp?

Color temperature is only a relative measure. It does not itself express a measure of temperature and is expressed in Kelvin, symbolized as K (formerly called Kelvin degree). It is defined as the comparison of its color in the light spectrum with the light emitted by a dark object (black) heated to a certain temperature. Color temperature is only measured for white lights in all warm, neutral, or cool hues:

Escala de temperatura de color (K)

The safety of Dalber children's lamps

Safety in all our children's lamps is a priority, and for this reason all our luminaries have successfully passed the strict safety tests required by European standards before marketing, until all the corresponding certifications issued by an official laboratory are obtained.

We hope that this small and subtle guide will help you to better understand our little world of light and color.

DALBER, since 1988 always with the same enthusiasm.

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